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UTM Tracking in Calendly using initInlineWidget

Please insert the following code. Make sure replacing the URL with yours.

<!-- Calendly inline widget begin -->
<div id="handlCalendly" class="calendly-inline-widget" style="min-width:320px;height:580px;" data-auto-load="false">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        url: '',
        parentElement: document.getElementById('handlCalendly'),
        utm: {
            utmCampaign: typeof HandL == 'object' && HandL.getAll()['utm_campaign'] || "",
            utmSource: typeof HandL == 'object' && HandL.getAll()['utjm_source'] || "",
            utmMedium: typeof HandL == 'object' && HandL.getAll()['utm_medium'] || "",
            utmContent: typeof HandL == 'object' && HandL.getAll()['utm_content'] || "",
            utmTerm: typeof HandL == 'object' && HandL.getAll()['utm_term'] || ""
}, 1000);

For Popup you can use this...