Send form data with UTMs to a webhook (e.g. Zapier)
You can send form data with all the UTMs to a webhook in GTM.
Create a trigger
This is a trigger for your tag. It can be as simple as button click or form submitted.
Create a variables that will capture your form object
Based on the trigger selected, this will change. Basically, you want to capture the form object using gtm.element
. If your trigger is a form submit button, then your variable may look like this
//Data Layer Variable Name
Create a tag
Finally create CustomHTML tag to send the collected data to your webhook (e.g. Zapier)
var form_obj = jQuery({{formObject}})
var emailFilled = $('#default_email',form_obj).val() != ''
if (emailFilled){
var data = handlj.param(HandL.getAll())
var form_data = form_obj.serialize()
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", ''+data+"&"+form_data, false ); // false for synchronous request
xmlHttp.send( null );
console.log("Not triggered")
}, 100);