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UTM Tracking in Thrive Cart and Send it to Zapier

You can track UTMs in Thrive Cart by adding the UTMSimple snippet on all of your pages:

First of all, let's add our UTMSimple tracking script:

Go to Custom Tracking Code section and add the script here Where is the tracking code?

Trigger Zapier when Checkout Initated:

Add the following code ONLY on checkout page Don't forget to replace the zapier Webhook with yours.


document.getElementsByName("")[0].addEventListener('change', function (evt) {

  var data = HandL.getAll()
  for (let i in [0]){
  	let form_elements = document.getElementsByClassName("pure-form pure-form-rows")[i].elements
  	for ( let el of form_elements ){
  		if ( != '' ){
  			data[] = el.value
  data['ua'] =
  data['cur_url'] = window.location.href
  var json = JSON.stringify(data);
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  data = new URLSearchParams(data).toString()
  var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", ''+data, true );
  xmlHttp.send( null );

You can do similarly for the main product purchase as well: