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UTM tracking and attribution in Wix Form

Create Hidden Fields in your WIX Form

Make sure the Field Title matches to our naming convention here What can I track with UTMSimple?

By default, these fields are not hidden, let's make them hidden

Go and Enable Dev mode

Select each field and go to Dev Mode and select "Hidden"

Add the following code in Wix > Settings > Custom Code section

handl_custom_params=[];var handl_js=document.createElement("script");handl_js.setAttribute("src","<license key>"),document.head.appendChild(handl_js),handl_js.onload=function(){

handlj('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', '#main_MF', function(e) {
  if (handlj('id') === 'POPUPS_ROOT') {
    		all = HandL.getAll()
        Object.keys(all).forEach((x) => {
            if (all[x]) {
                if (handlj('[name="'+x+'"]').length > 0) {

const element = document.querySelector('input[name="'+x+'"]')
const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true })
const previousValue = element.value

element.value = all[x]

    		}, 2000)



Test the form and you will see all the UTMs listed in the Form Submission section