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Can I track custom parameter such as affid?

You can track any custom parameters you like such as affid,user_id, id with UTMSimple.

Setting this up is very easy...

Your JavaScript tracker code will look like this..

<!-- Global site UTM Simple Tracking Start-->
handl_custom_params=[];var handl_js=document.createElement("script");handl_js.setAttribute("src","<yourkey>"),document.head.appendChild(handl_js),handl_js.onload=function(){/*This is the UTM Simple ready event, you can put any code you'd like to trigger after the script fully loaded here*/};
<!-- Global site UTM Simple Tracking End-->

As you can notice, there is a parameter called handl_custom_params=[];

This is an array that means it can take multiple values.

Simply add all the custom parameters you'd like to track in there...


That's it!